
Essential Eating: A Cookbook: Discover How to Eat, Not Diet Review

Essential Eating: A Cookbook: Discover How to Eat, Not Diet
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People spend most of their adult lives searching for the right program to lose weight. I was no different.
I had tried every diet imaginable. The "no carb diet", (my cholesterol jumped up 23 points), "pre-package food diet", ( I gained 8 lbs. as soon as I went back to normal eating), "liquid diet,(won't even address what happened with that diet). Anyway, you get the picture.
Then one day, a friend introduced "Essential Eating" to me. This book answered all my questions and provided me with the answers I needed to live healthy, lose 27 lbs. and keep it off.
This is a wonderful program with delicious and easy to make recipes. You cook with "real organic food".
And the best thing is that it is not a diet. It is a way of life. I no longer have digestive or health related problems and feel better than I have felt in ages.
Over 2 years ago, I dropped 2 dress sizes, I dine out, have dinner parties and haven't gained a pound back.
Thank Essential Eating for changing my life.

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Before chemically enhanced foods were introduced, most people enjoyed a healthy diet of organic foods. The body is able to detoxify and feel better if easy-to-digest foods are incorporated into the diet. This book outlines an eating lifestyle that enables the body to heal and maintain its ideal weight through proper digestion. In 350 great tasting recipes, easily digested foods are introduced and a stress-free body environment is created. Also included are health assessments, seasonal food and digestion charts, weekly menus, and shopping lists.

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