
Eat Smart, Eat Raw: Creative Recipes for a Healthier Life Review

Eat Smart, Eat Raw: Creative Recipes for a Healthier Life
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This was my first raw foods recipe book ever purchased. I looked at SO many and decided on this one due to the easy layout, easy to follow recipes and a nice small variety of each category. Not, it's not the only raw recipe book you'll ever need but it makes a nice gift to someone who's new to the raw foods life (as I did for a friend). What I also really enjoy about it is that Kate Wood inserts little 'tips' and 'ideas' on each page about all kinds of random cool things, facts, projects. For example, she suggested saving avocado seeds and making your own house-plant! I never would have thought of that. I now have 3 and one is already 1 1/2 feet tall and very pretty - burgundy stem and pretty green leaves. In about 10 years, I may have avocados! :-]
What I didn't care for in this book was that she has a section in the back that is 'not so raw' - meaning it is cooked! But, I'm the one that still bought the book, knowing that, and I'm still glad I did. I make the applejack bars weekly (and many non-raw co-workers love tehm) and there are several really good dip/dressing recipes. They're good to use as a base and then you can add/change as you want and build from her foundation. I have a little kitchen scale and the measurements being in ounces is actually kinda fun, not a bother at all. Good book - thanks Kate!

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