
High Trail Cookery: All-Natural, Home-Dried, Palate-Pleasing Meals for the Backpacker Review

High Trail Cookery: All-Natural, Home-Dried, Palate-Pleasing Meals for the Backpacker
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I was interested in this book because it advertised recipes for making your own dehydrated foods. But this book misses the point of wilderness tripping. The fact is most backcountry hikers want foods that can be mixed and matched as desired. All the recipes call for complex proteins such as eggs, milk, yogurt, meat that are prepared as a full meal (e.g., ham omelets) and then dehydrated. Because the egg and the ham are all mushed up with spices you can hardly choose to use the eggs in pancakes and the ham in chili stew. Instead, you must eat omelets. When I backpack I plan on dehydrating several basic goods: canned beans, green peppers, hamburger, etc. Then along with some common staples such as powdered eggs, flour, etc. I can vary my cooking as desired. This book has you cooking complex gourmet meals, dehydrating them and then eating exactly that on the trail.ALso, I don't know why the author would bother to dehydrate things such as eggs, yogurt, etc. One can easily buy powdered eggs and besides - have you ever tried dehyrating your own eggs? Your house will smell like a sewer! Finally, the book contains numerous recipes for muffins and breads. But all are prepared and baked at home. I have plenty of these recipes in my Joy of Cooking. What I would have been interested in is how to prepare such recipes infront of a campfire - but the author makes no mention of this.

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High Trail Cookery allows backpackers to cook hassle-free meals on the wilderness trail. Packing light-weight, delicious, home-dehydrated meals--featuring whole grains, beans, fresh vegetables, and fruits--is the nutritious and easy way to make camping fun. Many recipes are meatless or meat-optional.

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