
Eating Without Heating: Favorite Recipes from Teens Who Love Raw Food Review

Eating Without Heating: Favorite Recipes from Teens Who Love Raw Food
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The book "Eating Without Heating", written by two
teens, displays wisdom beyond their years.
The book is magnificently illustrated with drawings by Valya.
"Eating Without Heating is a guide book to all things raw.
It is a treatise on the raw food philosophy. It is a cookbook.
It is a living testament to a family that bucked the school
establishment which tried to induce children to drink milk
and eat fast-food burgers for lunch. Their recipes are quite
a bit more sophisticated than just sliced cucumbers with dill
sauce. One example is an entire chapter on fermenting foods.
Sergei and Valya simply soak one cup of nuts in water overnight
and blend the resulting product in a blender until it is
smooth like heavy cream. They strain the mixture through
a sprout bag, pour into a jar, cover with cheesecloth,
and set in a warm place where the magic transfer of gases
and air through the mixture produces a tart yogurt-like
food. Try this with cashews and chopped mango.
They produce unique cheeses with the same method as
above. I'll soon be trying their sauerkraut and kim chee
recipes. I salivate at the thought of producing my own.
I've tasted raw breads, but have only wondered at the
mastery of culinary skills necessary to create such miracles.
From sprouted raw flax bread with kamut and walnuts to
chili corn chips, the Boutenko children make it all
seem simple, in easy-to-follow recipes. If you love
sourdough bread, you've got to try their recipe which
employs raw almond pulp with flax and caraway seeds.
These kids have timing! They save the best for last,
cookies, ice creams, and cakes. With secrets learned
from their mother (sprinkle coconut or nuts so that
the cake does not stick to the pan), and photographs
that tempt and delight (walnut cream cake, un-chocolate
cake, un-cheesecake, and many others), these recipes
are what one would expect to be served at the gates
of Valhalla. Try the Macadamia Date Pie or the
amazing Coconut-Date Truffles.

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I wish there were some way that I could get this message out to every single one of you. A message that would touch your lives and have you see that happiness is not sold in little baggies or a 40 oz. glass bottle. I wish that there were some way to show you, my own generation, that we can all be happy and free without drugs. I wish I could stop you from hurting your body and make you see how much you will regret it later in life. Most of all I wish that I could unite all of you and show you that every single one of you is beautiful and miraculous and that life would not be the same without you. Unfortunately, that is impossible, because the only way of teaching is actually not teaching at all! The only way I can get others to follow is by being a good example and sharing my story when asked. The words of even the wisest man are worth nothing if no one wants to hear them!

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